If you are an artist or look for original art this sale is a must! Local artist, Anna McCoy has decided to part with some of her original art as she is downsizing and cannot take it all with her. She and husband are moving to smaller quarters and she will no longer have an art studio. So she is selling all her supplies, paint, some canvases and more. In addition, they are selling the ENTIRE CONTENTS of their home which is filled with quality furnishings, decor, artwork, full kitchen with many small appliances, SAMICK Piano, runners and rugs, 3 FULL bedrooms with queensize beds, Linens including quilts, and more. Garage has multiple power tools (mostly Ryobi), tested and working. Outdoors there is a shed with garden tools, tomato cages and nice wrought iron outdoor furniture. She extended her art to the outdoors by creating mosaics on a cement bench, birdbath and a pair of framed art pieces.
Make it a point to visit us THIS WEEKEND - March 8th & 9th 2025 from 9-4 each day. We will begin to give out numbers at 8am for those that wish to be among the first admitted when e open the doors. Click here for more info and pictures: (New Website, still working out the kinks. If link doesn't work please copy and paste into your browser) https://www.estatesales.net/account/sales/pictures.aspx